Abono agrícola para el control de malezas y mejora de la calidad de los cultivos.
Agro mulch (A revolution in the agricultural sector)

Mulch is commonly used to make the soil around plants better for proper growth. It gives the garden a neat and tidy appearance and can reduce the amount of time spent on certain tasks like watering and weeding. There are lots of things mulch can do when applied to the soil. Vegetables and other crops planted outdoors usually grow well when mulch is used alongside proper agronomic practices. It helps to retain soil moisture even during summer and reduce the incidence of weed or unwanted plants growing in your garden.
The use of mulching film is gaining popularity in the agricultural sector every day. The reason is because it doesn’t just eliminate weeds but it’s environment-friendly and economically viable to the grower. Mulching film also referred to as Agro mulch is widely used by growers to protect their crops and the soil on which the plant grows. Agro mulch helps to maintain soil quality and helps the plant to grow faster.
One of the main purposes for using mulch is to create an enabling environment for plants to grow well. It also stops weeds growing by depriving them of sunlight. Since weeds are deprived of sunlight, photosynthesis cannot take place. The plastic used in the agro film offers great advantages when it comes to moisture retention too. It locks in moisture which causes less water to evaporate from the soil. The soil also becomes well aerated with the use of this mulching film. And since it is also available in different colors and thickness, and finishes, growers can make their choices.
Weeds can cause serious economic loss, especially when crops are grown for commercial purposes. Using mulching film will not only prevent weeds from growing but also make your garden easier to manage. Since weeding the garden is time-consuming and requires heavy investment in labor, using mulch can help prevent weeds from sprouting and make the garden weed free. Weeds can make harvesting very difficult for the grower. It can also reduce crop yield and the quality of the output. There are many reasons to get rid of weeds from your garden. One of the reasons is that weeds can act as host to certain pests and insects that can damage your crops.
When installing agro mulch, make sure it is well anchored in order to prevent it from being dislodged by wind or animals. If it is not properly anchored, it can litter the forest or smother the seedlings.
How to use Agro mulch

1. Prepare the soil and make sure the PH and fertility levels are appropriate for growing the plant. You can determine all of this by performing soil test in a lab.
2. Create beds for your plants. It can either be a raised bed or bed level. However, it all depends on where you like to plant the crop.
3. Lay your drip irrigation line along the bed, if you make use of drip irrigation. However, you can also do your watering with a watering can or a hose.
4. Place the Agro mulch on top of your garden bed and make sure it is not saggy. Once the mulch is laid down, the next thing to do is to bury the edges of the mulch in a layer of soil.
5. Use a pair of scissors or a very sharp knife to make a small slit in the plastic mulch. It could either be a straight line or “X” shape. But the slit should not be too big. It should be big enough for you to place the plant you wish to transplant easily. Once the slit is made, plant your crop the way you normally would and bury the entire root ball of the plant in the soil.
There are different colors and thickness of Agro mulch and all of them are effective. Silver and white Agro mulch helps to reflect light. On the other hand, the reflected light helps to prevent Aphids from seeing the plants while the yellow mulch tends to attract whiteflies